How to perform keyword research using Q&A websites?

As a content creator or digital marketer, it's essential to understand the needs and interests of your target audience.

How to perform keyword research using Q&A websites?

In this article, we’ll explore how Q&A websites can be a valuable resource for finding relevant topics and identifying valuable keywords to use in your content.

You can use Q&A platforms like Quora, Reddit, and StackOverflow to get keyword ideas from real people’s questions and answer posts. Here, you can find questions on various topics on which you can create content and rank in search results.

Here, we’ll walk you through the process of using these websites to research ideas for your next piece of content.

So, let’s start.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the process of discovering the terms and phrases that people use to search for information on the internet. This can be used to inform content creation and optimize it for search engines.

By understanding the keywords used by your target audience, you can create content that is more likely to be discovered by them through search engines like Google.

Keyword research is an essential part of search engine optimization (SEO) as it helps identify the terms and phrases people use to find information related to your industry or topic. By incorporating these keywords into your content, you can increase the chances that your content will rank well in search results and be more easily discovered by your target audience.

The role of Q&A websites in the research process

Q&A websites are a rich source of information for understanding your target audience’s questions, problems, and concerns.

By searching for keywords and phrases related to your industry or topic, you can uncover common questions and issues that people are interested in. You can then use this information to generate ideas for content that addresses these questions and concerns.

How to do keyword research using quora

Quora is a popular Q&A website that can be a valuable resource for keyword research. Here, People ask and answer questions on a wide range of topics.

Quora search resuls

For example, if you’re in the marketing industry, you might search for terms like “marketing strategy,” “digital marketing”, “social media marketing,” or “content marketing.” As you browse through the results, pay attention to the language used in the questions and answers. This can give you insight into the concerns and needs of your target audience.

Here are some steps you can follow to do keyword research using Quora:

  1. Identify your target audience and the topics that they are interested in.
  2. Search for keywords and phrases related to your industry or topic on Quora. Pay attention to the language used in the questions and answers to get a sense of the terms and phrases that are commonly used by your target audience.
  3. Use Quora’s Advanced Search feature to narrow your search results by questions, profiles, posts, spaces, and other factors. This can help you find more relevant questions and answers related to your industry or topic.
  4. Analyze the language used in the questions and answers to identify commonly used terms and phrases. These can be potential keywords to incorporate into your content.
  5. Use keyword research tools to supplement your findings from Quora. These tools can help you identify additional keywords and phrases relevant to your industry or topic. You can use tools like QuestionMiner to explore questions that rank in Google. Question Miner topic and keyword research tool
  6. Create a list of keywords and phrases you’ve identified through your research on Quora. Use this list of keywords on your content and optimize it for search engines.
  7. Conduct ongoing keyword research to stay up-to-date on the terms and phrases being used by your target audience. This will help ensure that your content is optimized for search engines and continues to meet the needs and interests of your audience.

How to do keyword research using Reddit

keyword research using Reddit

Reddit is another great platform for discovering Trending keywords. Like Quora, it has a wide range of topics and communities to find questions and discussions on virtually any subject.

Here are some steps you can follow to do keyword research using Reddit:

Search for subreddits related to your industry or topic. You can use the search bar at the top of the Reddit homepage to find relevant subreddits.

Reddit subreddits search results

Once you have a list of subreddits, look at the titles of the most popular posts in each subreddit. These titles will often include keywords relevant to the subreddit’s topic.

Subreddit detail

Take note of any recurring keywords or phrases that appear across multiple subreddits. These are likely popular keywords within your industry or topic.

Check the post comments for any questions related to your topic. These are also potential keywords.

Pay attention to post tags which are often used to categorize posts. These tags could be potential keywords as well.

Repeat the above steps for different subreddits and note the keywords most frequently used across all the subreddits you’ve searched.

Use those keywords to optimize your content and improve the SEO of your website.

How to do keyword research using StackOverflow

StackOverflow is a question-and-answer platform for developers. It is a website that allows users to ask and answer programming-related questions and share their knowledge and experience with others.

The most highly-voted answers are typically considered the most helpful and accurate. It’s an excellent resource for conducting research if you’re writing about software & App development, programming language, web development language like HTML, CSS, Javascript, or other technical subjects.

StackOverflow search results

Here’s how you can use StackOverflow for keyword research:

Search for a topic or keyword on StackOverflow. This will give you a list of questions and answers related to the topic.

Look at the titles of the questions and the tags that have been applied to them. These can give you an idea of the keywords and phrases commonly used with the topic.

Check out the content of the questions and answers. This can give you more insight into the language people use when discussing the topic and help you identify any specialized terms you should be aware of.

StackOverflow extended search options

Use the search filters to refine your results. You can use the filters to narrow down your search by no answer, Newest, highest score, most frequent, and other criteria.

Repeat the process for different keywords and topics to get a sense of the common language and terminology in the field.

Utilizing the information gathered from Q&A websites

Once you’ve identified a list of relevant topics and keywords, you can use this information to create and optimize your content. When creating content, use the specified keywords naturally throughout the piece. This can improve your content’s search engine optimization (SEO), making it more likely to be discovered by your target audience.

In addition to using the information to create content, you can also engage with the Q&A community to gather additional insights and ideas. Participating in discussions and answering questions can build relationships with your target audience and gather valuable feedback on your content and ideas.


Q&A websites like Quora, Reddit, and StackOverflow can be valuable resources for keyword research. By searching for keywords and phrases, analyzing the language used in the questions and answers, and using keyword research tools, you can identify relevant topics and keywords to use in your content.

It’s important to conduct keyword research on Q&A sites to stay up-to-date on the most used keywords and phrases used by your target audience and ensure that your content is relevant and valuable to them.

If you have any doubts regarding keyword research using Q&A platforms, do let us know in the comment section.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Why is keyword research important?

Keyword research is a vital part of search engine optimization (SEO) as it helps identify the terms and phrases people use to find information related to your industry or topic. By incorporating these keywords into your content, you can increase the chances that your content will rank well in search results and be more easily discovered by your target audience.

How can Q&A websites be used for keyword research?

Q&A websites like Quora, Reddit, and StackOverflow can be valuable resources for keyword research. By searching for keywords and phrases, analyzing the language used in the questions and answers, and using keyword research tools, you can identify relevant topics and keywords to use in your content.

Is Reddit good for keyword research?

Yes, Reddit can be a good resource for keyword research. As a popular online forum, Reddit has a large and active community that discusses a wide range of topics. By searching for keywords and phrases related to your industry or topic on Reddit and analyzing the language used in the comments and posts, you can identify commonly used terms and phrases that could be potential keywords to incorporate into your content.

You can find trending keywords using Q&A sites like Quora. Just filter your search terms with “trending” or “popular” and list the frequently used words and phrases.

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