Explore a Quora marketing channel

Offer premium service on the platform with 300 million monthly visitors to your clients.

We've helped dozens of successful companies around the world

  • Smartlook
  • Satismeter
  • Rossum
  • Phonexia
  • Feedbear
Quora question explorer

Quora is a great additional marketing channel whether you focus on paid acquisitions or content marketing.

Research questions to discover the best opportunity for your clients

Use our Explorer to find all relevant questions with organic traffic in less than 5 minutes.

We rank all questions by QApop score to show you the best questions to answer.

Export the results in CSV and present your research to clients.

Premium support and help

Run highly efficient and precisely targeted Quora Ads

Quick analysis

Identify the right questions based on research and data.

We provide full guidelines to teach you how to target the best audience using behavioral and contextual targeting.

Promote your best answers to specific questions and get more attention from Quora visitors.

Use juicy content drafts to save 80% time answering questions on Quora

We use AI to summarize any blog post into Quora answer. The outcome is a content draft that helps you create a high-quality answer faster.

Select questions with organic traffic that fit your topic and cover your niche audience.

Take a content distribution to the next level.

Content drafts

Get 100s of referral monthly traffic by answering best questions


  • Keyword research
  • High-quality content
  • Unique text
  • Content promotion
  • Backlinks building
  • Guaranteed results


  • Keyword research
  • High-quality content
  • Unique text
  • Content promotion
  • Backlinks building
  • Guaranteed results

You can reuse the content from your blog and focus on the same keywords.
Promote your answers with Quora Ads and get results immediately.

Why Quora matters?

Quora’s monthly active user base reached 300 million. Including people looking for reliable information about your company, products, competitors, and industry.

Graph growing

Get high-quality traffic

Answer the right questions and get more unique visitors and leads to your website.


Build your brand

Increase your brand awareness and authority by joining the fast-growing social platform.


Learn about your audience

Find out what people are asking in your domain. Make better decisions based on that.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Question mining enabled me to precisely identify the biggest opportunities to present our product in a relevant context, inform and attract new users."

Nikola Kožuljević

Nikola Kožuljević

Marketing Manager, ThreatMark

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “If you find and answer relevant questions you'll get high-quality traffic. Also, you'll get a condensed overview of what's the community looking for while browsing the report."

Peter Galbavy

Peter Galbavy

E-commerce specialist, Digismoothie

Founder's note


Founder's note

Only 2% of marketing agencies offer their services for Quora. You just can't ignore a social network with 300 million monthly visitors.
Finally, we unlock this marketing channel for you by providing data on 30 million questions.

Let me personally onboard you and help you get the maximum from this platform.

Schedule a call with me → or send an email at [email protected]

Derek Benthem
Co-founder of QApop

co-founder, QApop

Frequently asked questions

Don't hesitate to contact us, if you have any question.

  • Can I resell your data to my clients?

    Yes. It's okay to offer our reports to your clients. You can help them with content strategy or paid acquisition, and increase their website traffic & sales. Please, schedule a call with us. We'll present you with a demo report and explain how to use it.

  • What's the output of your research?

    We research Quora's questions based on selected keywords. The final report usually has hundreds of questions. We rate them based on multiple parameters like organic traffic estimation from Quora, total view, and relevance score.
    You can explore the best questions and answer them.

  • Can I run a successful campaign on Quora without previous experience?

    Absolutely! We provide step by step tutorial to teach you how to do that. You can answer the best questions and promote them to get results faster. Or you can run ads on specific questions and to a specific audience.

  • What is AI-generated content draft?

    We use data from Q&A websites to find out what people are asking on the Internet. Our AI-powered software generate content ideas and content draft so you can save hours searching for new blog post ideas and doing content research.